Since the late 1970s China has moved from a closed, centrally planned system to a more market-oriented one that plays a major global role. UWS can assist you in the process of registering a company in China, to access this exciting market. Company Registration China is the brightest opportunity to people to open their own company in China.

In Mainland China, there are 4 modes of business presences for foreign investors:

  • WFOE (65 %)
  • Representative Office (20 %-)
  • FIPE (10 %+)
  • Joint Venture (5 %)

Setting up a WOFE – what are the main features?

  • A common investment vehicle for mainland China-based business
  • Involvement of a mainland Chinese investor is not required
  • WFOE are limited-liability corporations organized by foreign nationals and capitalized with foreign funds
  • An advantage is the ability to uphold a company’s global strategy free from interference by Chinese partners
  • Increased protection of trademarks and intellectual property, in accordance with international law
  • Shareholder Liability limited to original investment

Setting up a representative office – what are the main features?

  • A Representative Office (RO) means a branch office of a foreign company set up in China
  • It carries out market contacts and research for its headquarters, and assists in developing its business in other countries
  • Representative offices can not issue any invoices, and thus gain any income by itself. All expenses of a representative office have to be fully funded by the company headquarters
  • The purpose of a representative office to liaise with businesses and customers from China / Asia on behalf of its parent company. It is restricted to conduct only indirect operational activities, for example:
    • Business liaison
    • Introduction of products for sales purposes
    • Market Research
    • There are no capital contribution requirements for a RO

The skilled manpower being the most prominent feature in a country like China, it becomes really important to have a proper method for satisfying each and every guideline mentioned by the agencies. Service of company registration China offered by us is the most appropriate help that eases your legal entry for setting up the business in any city of this country.

The manufacturing market of china is well known all over the world. As a matter of fact it must be remembered that because of this popularity, setting up a company on your own can be very tiring. Services by Company Registrations Worldwide make this procedure too simple for you by involvement of highly experienced executives who always remain updated about the new methods incorporated in the policies of company registration china .