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How Do Taxes Work In Hong Kong?

A top question I’m asked when a client is opening a Hong Kong company – “How do taxes work? I can get 0% right?” Such a short and simple question, but will be a full [...]

March 22nd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Top VCs Explain Why You Should Start Your Business In Hong Kong

It’s easy to launch a business in Hong Kong, but ridiculously high cost of living and lack of government support are the main challenges. There is no doubt that Hong Kong is one of the [...]

March 22nd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Keeping Your Small Business Audit Cost Affordable

Got your Hong Kong company setup and wondering how to keep costs low for a smooth and affordable audit? Of course this topic of a company audit isn’t the most fun topic – but let’s [...]

March 21st, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Hong Kong, Shenzhen officials discuss hi-tech border zone

A joint task force on the development of an innovation and technology park on the Lok Ma Chau Loop held its inaugural meeting in Shenzhen on Thursday. The meeting was co-chaired by Secretary for Innovation [...]

March 3rd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

China opens more areas of economy for foreign capital

China's moves to further ease foreign investment policies will open doors in some monopoly sectors this year while prohibiting local governments from curbing foreign companies, experts said. Their comments came after the State Council issued [...]

March 3rd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |0 Comments

HongKong Financial Secretary, The 2017-18Budget

Public Finance: Objectives and Approach Consolidating Pillar Industries and Diversified Development Economic Performance and Forecast Investing for the Future, Sharing and Caring Capacity Building Government Revenue and Expenditure  

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